Splunk RUM
Companies using Splunk RUM


Splunk RUM is a powerful tool for real-time front-end user monitoring and troubleshooting. It enables users to monitor the performance of their web applications by detecting and diagnosing issues that impact the end-user experience. Splunk RUM captures data on browser performance, page load times, network latency, and other key metrics that can be used to optimize website performance. With its intuitive interface and robust analytics capabilities, Splunk RUM help developers and IT teams gain insights into how users interact with their web applications, identify performance bottlenecks, and resolve issues quickly. This makes it an essential tool for businesses that rely heavily on their web applications to deliver content and services. By using Splunk RUM, organizations can improve customer satisfaction, reduce downtime, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

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3 companies are currently using Splunk RUM


Karma Ventures

karma ventures invests in..

12 Employees$28K - $30K$55K estonia10%Export
Pindi Kinnisvara OÜ

juhtiv kinnisvarabüroo ee..

30 Employees$18K - $5K$79K estonia21%Export
Plumbr (acquired by Splun..

5 Employees$44K - $45K$84K estonia79%Export

Using Splunk RUM for finding leads

This list of companies utilizing Splunk RUM offers a unique value for sales teams looking to identify potential leads. Splunk RUM, a tool for real-time, front-end user monitoring, is deployed by organizations that prioritize in-depth user experience analysis and active troubleshooting. Understanding this allows sales teams to curate their approach towards these companies, offering solutions that complement or enhance their existing infrastructure.

There are several concrete ways in which this list can benefit sales teams:

  1. Profiling Prospects: Companies on this list are, presumably, investing resources into digital customer experience, performance monitoring, and issue diagnosis. This insight can be advantageous in tailoring a sales approach that aligns with a potential lead’s business focus and tech stack.

  2. Understanding Industry Trends: By analyzing the types of companies that use Splunk RUM, sales professionals can gain a better sense of prevailing tech trends within various industries. It throws light on the growing importance of real-time user experience monitoring.

  3. Enhanced Lead Prioritization: If a sales team's product or service complements Splunk RUM or works in a similar space, this list can be instrumental in prioritizing potential leads who already value these types of solutions.

  4. Customized Communication: Knowledge of a prospect's usage of Splunk RUM can aid in crafting a more personalized and direct outreach strategy, leading to improved engagement rates.

  5. Partnering Opportunities: The list can also hint at potential strategic partnership opportunities for businesses offering complementary services or products to Splunk RUM.

In summary, this curated list of companies using Splunk RUM is a critical resource for sales teams. It offers unique insights into understanding potential leads, customizing engagement strategies, and defining future business opportunities.

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