Outbrain is a web advertising platform that displays chumboxes, which are boxes of links to pages within websites. It is used by publishers and advertisers to promote content and drive traffic to their websites. Outbrain's algorithm recommends content based on user behavior and interests. This helps publishers increase engagement and revenue while providing advertisers with a targeted audience for their content. Outbrain allows users to target audiences by demographic, location, device, and other factors. The platform has been used by major publishers like CNN, ESPN, and The Guardian.
23,329 companies are currently using Outbrain
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Using Outbrain for finding leads
The carefully curated list of companies using Outbrain offered on this page represents a valuable resource for those seeking to identify and engage with potential leads. Through Outbrain's widely recognized web advertising platform that features driven "chumboxes", numerous organizations across industries have enhanced their ad placement, reaching a larger audience and driving more engagements. A greater understanding of these companies provides a deep insight into their marketing strategies, offering new opportunities for businesses.
By leveraging the data from this list, sales teams can expedite their prospecting process and increase the chances of identifying well-qualified leads. Implementing Outbrain in their offerings demonstrates these companies' proactiveness in digital advertising, signifying potential interest in complementary services or advanced solutions.
The list also facilitates detailed competitive analysis. Companies already employing Outbrain can use this to gauge their competitive landscape, understanding who else in their industry is actively harnessing web-based advertising and to what degree, thus aiding in refining their own strategies.
Moreover, companies supplying goods or services beneficial to digital advertisers may find the list invaluable. This offers a direct route to organizations that value online promotion, therefore likely to be interested in products that further enhance their digital footprint.
When casting a broad net in the search for leads may seem like an overwhelming task, this comprehensive list of Outbrain users can help refine the focus, making the lead prospecting task targeted, efficient, and effective.
Alternatives to Outbrain
Thera are a total of 150 alternatives available for Outbrain
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