Companies using Ensi


Ensi is an open source ecommerce platform that follows a service-oriented architecture. This means that it is built in a way that allows different services to communicate with each other and work together to provide the necessary functionality for an ecommerce website. Ensi is available for anyone to use, modify and distribute as per their requirements. As it is open-source, users can customize it according to their needs and add additional features or functionalities as needed. The use of a service-oriented architecture makes it easier to maintain and scale the platform as different services can be updated or replaced independently of one another. Overall, Ensi provides a flexible and customizable option for building ecommerce websites using a modern architecture that emphasizes modularity, scalability, and maintainability.

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1 companies are currently using Ensi


Gloria Jeans

we believe everybody shou..

864 Employees$42K - $2K$81K russian federa..3%Export

Using Ensi for finding leads

This curated list presents an invaluable resource for sales teams, revealing an array of companies reliant on the Ensi platform for their ecommerce operations. Central to successful B2B sales efforts, comprehensive and accurate understanding of a potential lead's technology stack can provide invaluable insights.

With Ensi, a service-oriented open-source ecommerce platform, at the core of their digital operations, these companies showcase their commitment to advanced tech solutions. By recognizing this, sales teams can approach these businesses with tailored propositions, pitching services or products that align with their demonstrated technology preferences, further optimizing their ecommerce efforts.

Additionally, having a list of companies using Ensi narrows down the pool of potential leads and offers a targeted prospecting approach. Sales and marketing teams can dedicate their resources more effectively by focusing only on companies that utilize the Ensi platform, saving time on research and initial broad-range prospecting, resulting in an improved efficiency of their sales cycle.

This list also gives invaluable insights into specific industry sectors where Ensi platform is predominant, enabling sales professionals to better understand technology trends within these sectors, and tailor their pitch strategy accordingly. Furthermore, understanding how these companies use and leverage Ensi's benefits, such as service-oriented architecture, can provide sales professionals with knowledge-based leverage during sales discussions.

In summary, this exclusive list of companies utilizing Ensi can steer sales teams towards focused and effective prospecting, while offering powerful insights to enhance their sales strategy in the evolving ecommerce landscape.

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