Companies using Enable


Enable is a plugin designed by uPress specifically for web accessibility. It provides users with features that make it easier to navigate and use websites, especially those with disabilities such as visual or hearing impairments. This plugin can improve website usability through text-to-speech, keyboard navigation, and other assistive technologies. In addition, Enable has the ability to adjust font size, increase contrast, and provide alternative text descriptions for images. These features can help ensure that all users have equal access to website content regardless of their abilities. By using Enable, website owners can make their sites more inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities while also complying with accessibility standards.

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4,076 companies are currently using Enable


QuEra Computing Inc.

quera computing is the le..

69 Employees$21K - $37K$69K united states ..82%Export

central event management ..

22 Employees$2K - $37K$73K israel20%Export
Verifacto Inc.

revolutionary dealers and..

19 Employees$35K - $8K$83K united states ..15%Export

powering the future with ..

26 Employees$45K - $22K$76K israel32%Export
Amai Proteins

curing the food system on..

45 Employees$5K - $21K$99K israel5%Export

shopperai is your next ge..

33 Employees$29K - $12K$91K israel97%Export
Tamooz Marketing Communic..

for over 25 years, tamooz..

57 Employees$18K - $46K$88K united states ..70%Export

trusted autonomous drones..

98 Employees$9K - $27K$52K israel96%Export
iTalent - Hire Smarter

hire smarter

39 Employees$45K - $29K$79K israel52%Export
Netspark Ltd

netspark develops cutting..

75 Employees$29K - $18K$64K israel4%Export
Bandon Dunes Golf Resort

golf as it was meant to b..

21 Employees$19K - $22K$63K united states ..62%Export

shopping simplified. we e..

33 Employees$39K - $14K$57K israel44%Export
Expert Executive Recruite..

your dream candidate is j..

147 Employees$28K - $42K$94K united states ..85%Export

next generation ivf

53 Employees$13K - $39K$56K israel45%Export
The Hermitage Hotel

An American Landmark Sinc..

194 Employees$43K - $15K$90K united states ..78%Export

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Using Enable for finding leads

This list of companies that use Enable, a web accessibility plugin, represents a valuable opportunity to connect with potential clients committed to digital inclusivity. These enterprises understand the importance of access to information and services for all users, demonstrating their dedication to broader audience appeals, regulatory compliance, and social responsibility.

For sales teams, this list can serve as a targeted prospecting tool to pinpoint businesses that prioritize accessibility. It aids in identifying organizations that are already investing in web accessibility solutions like Enable, indicating an openness to technologies enhancing website user experience and inclusivity.

Moreover, their usage of Enable might speak to a broader interest in related products and services, such as user experience design, website development, web security solutions, or further accessibility tools. Stakeholders in these companies may be more receptive to pitches that align with their accessibility efforts, therefore increasing the likelihood of successful lead conversion.

Additionally, recognizing a potential lead’s commitment to web accessibility can aid in tailoring a sales approach that acknowledges their emphasis on inclusivity, potentially fostering a more fruitful, aligned dialog.

In summary, this list of companies utilizing Enable isn't merely a directory, it's a strategic resource that can streamline sales outreach to the most promising potential clients. Understanding a prospects' existing technology stack, including plugins like Enable, can provide an edge in identifying, understanding, and effectively reaching potential leads.

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