Companies using Yaws


Yaws is an open-source web server that was developed to deliver dynamic content efficiently. It was created by Claes (klacke) Wikström and written in the functional programming language Erlang. Yaws is designed to handle high levels of concurrency, making it ideal for serving web applications that require real-time communication or heavy traffic.

One of the key features of Yaws is its ability to serve multiple concurrent connections without relying on threading or forking. This is achieved through Erlang's lightweight process model, which allows for efficient management of resources and low-latency communication between processes.

Another advantage of Yaws is its support for a wide range of protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket, and FastCGI. It also provides built-in support for features like virtual hosting, URL rewriting, and authentication, making it a versatile choice for various web application scenarios.

Yaws is known for its stability, reliability, and security, thanks to its focus on correctness and extensive testing. Its modular architecture also allows for easy customization and extension, with a growing ecosystem of plugins and modules available to enhance its functionality.

Overall, Yaws is a powerful and flexible web server that offers excellent performance, scalability, and security. Its use of Erlang's unique features makes it particularly useful for complex, concurrent web applications that require real-time communication or heavy traffic handling.

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11 companies are currently using Yaws



we print it. you love it!..

15 Employees$47K - $16K$54K germany80%Export
CC Media Network

9 Employees$41K - $39K$87K united kingdom..44%Export
The Sahel Calling Project..

1 Employees$16K - $17K$64K germany24%Export
The Dickes Bee Food Coope..

2 Employees$25K - $18K$82K germany95%Export
Trade Print

11 Employees$5K - $27K$79K united kingdom..76%Export
Deutsche Telekom Asia Pte..

1 Employees$39K - $39K$72K -57%Export

1 Employees$22K - $45K$79K united kingdom..29%Export

- Employees$11K - $2K$68K united kingdom..65%Export

- Employees$43K - $3K$74K germany25%Export

- Employees$34K - $24K$57K belgium3%Export
CCMedia Network, Jackpot-..

- Employees$47K - $36K$63K malta96%Export

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Using Yaws for finding leads

The list of companies utilizing Yaws can provide significant value for sales teams pursuing leads. This detailed registry is a ready-made roster of potential clients already invested in open-source server technology, indicating a propensity towards scalable, efficient solutions for content delivery.

One integral value of this specific list is its specificity; it identifies companies that have chosen to use Yaws - a technology designed for dynamic content delivery. These companies are likely looking for solutions that enhance virtual server performance, streamlining content management, and maximize uptime. This specific insight into their technological preferences can help sales teams tailor their offerings and pitches to meet these specific needs.

Moreover, the source language of Yaws, Erlang, is known for its strength in building robust, fault-tolerant systems. Companies on this list will likely value these qualities, further refining the communication points for the sales teams.

In addition, recognizing interconnected industries and correlating market trends can also be beneficial to sales strategies. By assessing this list, sales teams can identify common industries and domains that lean towards Yaws use, perceiving previously unexplored markets or noticing emerging trends in related spheres. Trends of geographic preference and company size can also give sales teams insight into where to focus their energies.

Lastly, the advantage of open-source technologies such as Yaws is the visible community of users and contributors. This community involvement can provide insights into the challenges these companies experience, and the solutions they're searching for, offering a unique window into their needs. Consequently, sales teams can meticulously prepare for client interactions, showcasing how their product or service offers a solution to these specific challenges.

All in all, the list of companies using Yaws technology can act as a valuable source of prequalified leads for sales teams, aligning sales efforts strategically with clients' needs and preferences.

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