Companies using Aircall

Aircall is a cloud-based phone system designed for customer support and sales teams. It's an innovative technology that allows businesses to communicate with their customers effectively. With Aircall, companies can make and receive calls from anywhere in the world, with an internet connection.

One of the significant advantages of Aircall is its integration capabilities. It seamlessly integrates with other popular business tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zendesk, and other CRM software. This feature helps customer support and sales teams track interactions with customers, improve the quality of service provided, and streamline workflow processes.

Aircall provides several features that allow businesses to manage calls efficiently. For example, it offers call routing and forwarding options based on different criteria, such as caller ID or time of day. Additionally, Aircall provides a shared inbox that enables multiple team members to handle incoming calls simultaneously, so no call goes unanswered.

Another critical aspect of Aircall is its analytics and reporting features. It provides real-time data on call volume, response time, and other metrics that help companies track performance and improve customer experiences. Moreover, Aircall provides advanced recording options that allow businesses to monitor calls for quality assurance purposes.

Overall, Aircall is an excellent solution for businesses that rely heavily on phone communications. Its cloud-based infrastructure, integration capabilities, and robust features make it an invaluable tool for handling customer support and sales calls.

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2 companies are currently using Aircall


Global Stem Cells

12 Employees$21K - $5K$71K singapore17%Export

- Employees$36K - $23K$73K france52%Export

Using Aircall for finding leads

This page presents an extensive list of companies using Aircall, a cloud-based phone system optimized for customer support and sales teams. The list's value lies in the benefits it offers for sales professionals looking for high-potential leads in the business-to-business (B2B) sector.

Sales teams can leverage this list to identify companies that already acknowledge the necessity and potential of innovative, cloud-based communication solutions like Aircall. Therefore, these companies may be more open to related technologies, tools, or services that could further enhance their existing setups or improve their customer-service workflows.

By focusing on companies using Aircall, sales teams reduce the time and effort required to pre-qualify potential leads. Given that these businesses have already demonstrated their willingness to invest in advanced technologies, they can accelerate partnerships or deals, leading to more efficient sales cycles.

Additionally, this list can help refine and focus your marketing strategies. By understanding the sectors and company sizes that already use Aircall, sales teams can tailor their efforts towards similar businesses, perhaps in the same industry or of the same size, potentially increasing sale conversion rates.

Finally, the list's value also lies in the competitive insights it provides. Knowing which companies use Aircall can help identify trends and provide a broader understanding of how cloud-based communication tools are being adopted across different industries.

To sum up, this list of companies using Aircall can be an effective stepping stone for sales teams in their lead generation and prospecting efforts – ensuring strategic sales decisions, focused marketing, and efficient lead pre-qualification.

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