Companies using ImpressPages

ImpressPages is an open-source, user-friendly and intuitive content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage their websites without any coding experience. It was created in 2009 by a Lithuanian company, ImpressPages UAB, and has since evolved into a popular CMS used worldwide.

One of the unique features of ImpressPages is its drag-and-drop interface which makes it easy for users to add and edit content on their website. The CMS also comes with a wide range of pre-built templates and plugins to help users get started quickly.

ImpressPages uses PHP as its programming language and MySQL as its database management system. It is highly customizable, allowing developers to create custom themes and plugins to meet their specific needs. Additionally, ImpressPages is built with SEO in mind, making it easy to optimize your website for search engines.

Overall, ImpressPages is an excellent choice for beginners or small businesses who want to create a professional-looking website quickly and easily. Its intuitive interface and pre-built templates make it easy to get started, while its flexibility and scalability allow for more advanced customization as your website grows.

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420 companies are currently using ImpressPages


Hyundai Motors New Zealan..

85 Employees$13K - $24K$56K new zealand11%Export
Creative Partner

coding innovative it solu..

15 Employees$11K - $10K$81K lithuania23%Export
Omni Air & Nitrogen

40 years strong, providin..

15 Employees$40K - $37K$76K united states ..43%Export
MANNOL Germany

großes sortiment. hohe qu..

9 Employees$20K - $2K$78K germany97%Export
Oil Ship Service

we help our clients insta..

37 Employees$29K - $36K$59K lithuania1%Export
Massage Beach Ibiza

massage, beauty & spa spe..

7 Employees$17K - $35K$77K spain91%Export
Richmond ELT Spain

helping all students fulf..

7 Employees$45K - $23K$58K spain63%Export
Lakefield Partners AG

dynamic asset management

16 Employees$27K - $34K$78K switzerland26%Export
Percy Community Centre

8 Employees$42K - $22K$62K united kingdom..57%Export
Klaipėdos prekybos, pramo..

siekiame ir galime padėti..

12 Employees$35K - $2K$72K lithuania54%Export
Language and Culture Inst..

we are a team of professi..

8 Employees$25K - $15K$57K lithuania7%Export
Mannol Global

mannol - the best choice

13 Employees$4K - $23K$54K germany91%Export

💻📝 Editorial y Servicio..

2,922 Employees$39K - $17K$98K spain73%Export
Blue Wing Honda Ltd

over 50 years providing g..

39 Employees$26K - $29K$54K new zealand93%Export
Santillana Latinoamérica

contenidos y servicios ed..

223 Employees$32K - $34K$56K spain76%Export

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Using ImpressPages for finding leads

This list of companies using ImpressPages signifies a valuable resource for sales teams in several ways. Firstly, it offers insight into a specific market segment - businesses that depend on ImpressPages, a user-friendly content management system (CMS). Insight into this particular group can guide strategic planning and help identify prime opportunities tailored to individual business needs.

By studying the businesses on this list, sales teams can gain an understanding of the needs and challenges that are commonly faced in this segment. This knowledge can then be leveraged to tailor sales pitches, highlighting how a product or service can address these specific pain points.

In terms of prospecting, this list makes it easier to identify and target businesses that might benefit from relevant products or services. For example, if a sales team is offering a plugin compatible with ImpressPages, or a service related to improving ImpressPages performance, these businesses present a good initial target audience.

Moreover, tracking the growth and changes in the list might reveal trends over time such as market expansion or contraction. This can be useful for forecasting and adjusting sales strategy accordingly.

This detailed list of companies using ImpressPages is therefore an invaluable tool, providing vital insights, enhancing client engagement strategizing and ultimately aiding in forging beneficial business connections. It can help sales teams streamline their efforts, focusing on a niche audience thus increasing the likelihood of successful lead conversion.

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