Coaster CMS is an open-source content management system that allows users to create and manage websites with ease. It is built on the Laravel PHP framework and uses Vue.js for its user interface. Coaster CMS offers a range of features such as easy page creation, media management, customizable templates, and multi-language support. It also provides users with the ability to create custom content types and define their fields, making it flexible for different types of websites. Additionally, Coaster CMS has a user-friendly dashboard that enables users to manage their website's content and layout efficiently. Its modular structure also allows developers to extend its functionality by creating plugins and modules. Overall, Coaster CMS is a powerful and user-friendly solution for building and managing websites.
95 companies are currently using Coaster CMS
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Using Coaster CMS for finding leads
The list of companies utilizing Coaster CMS represents an invaluable resource for sales teams seeking to identify promising leads in the content management system sector. This specially curated list provides key insights about which businesses prioritize user-friendly, flexible web content management solutions based on Laravel PHP framework, indicating both their digital focus and intention to streamline their operations.
By targeting companies that use the Coaster CMS, sales teams can save valuable time and resources. This is because these companies have already displayed an appreciation for comprehensive, innovative content management solutions, which suggests they could be interested in related tools, services, or technologies. Moreover, companies on this list are likely to value strategic content planning, making them potential leads for marketing solutions or services that involve content creation, management, and distribution.
Additionally, studying the composition and industry spread of the list can help sales teams to understand the trends and preferences within particular sectors. For instance, noticing that a high percentage of fintech companies are using Coaster CMS can lead to the inference that this sector favors Laravel-based CMS solutions, thereby guiding further prospecting efforts in this direction.
Lastly, this list can assist in competitor analysis. Businesses that offer similar CMS solutions can examine the list to gain insights into which industries and types of companies their competitors are attracting. If such companies are yet to adopt a CMS, or are using a rival's solution, they may present budding opportunities for fresh customer acquisitions.
In summary, the list of companies using Coaster CMS empowers sales teams by providing them with pre-qualified leads, helping them understand trends within specific industries, and facilitating sharper competitive strategies.
Alternatives to Coaster CMS
Thera are a total of 327 alternatives available for Coaster CMS
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