Companies using CIVIC

CIVIC is a technology that provides cookie control solutions for websites, allowing users to give or revoke consent to the use of cookies. It helps website owners comply with privacy regulations and gives users more control over their data. CIVIC enables website owners to display a banner or pop-up to request user consent before storing cookies on their browsers. This technology allows users to choose which types of cookies they want to accept and which ones they want to block. By using CIVIC, website owners can also monitor cookie usage on their site and provide transparent information about how cookies are used. Overall, CIVIC is an important tool for website owners to maintain compliance with privacy regulations while giving users more control over their online privacy.

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10,273 companies are currently using CIVIC



inspiring developers to b..

44 Employees$40K - $13K$69K united states ..78%Export

the next generation of le..

56 Employees$40K - $2K$77K united kingdom..91%Export

reclaim your data destiny..

89 Employees$2K - $30K$96K united kingdom..74%Export

manage your entire school..

70 Employees$41K - $29K$97K united kingdom..92%Export
binx health

creating new categories o..

92 Employees$36K - $15K$73K united states ..93%Export

redefining the modern soc..

73 Employees$47K - $8K$99K united kingdom..59%Export

enhancing and assisting t..

59 Employees$24K - $18K$73K united kingdom..25%Export

senseon hyperautomates th..

76 Employees$46K - $37K$63K united kingdom..69%Export
Reason Digital

solving problems that act..

52 Employees$14K - $32K$67K united kingdom..80%Export
Disasters Emergency Commi..

the dec brings 15 leading..

54 Employees$21K - $19K$87K united kingdom..32%Export
Homecare Association

the uk's membership body ..

72 Employees$17K - $24K$89K united kingdom..35%Export
ViaSay (ex Mindsay)

customer service automati..

9 Employees$24K - $2K$62K france39%Export

the social network for he..

15 Employees$11K - $46K$97K united kingdom..34%Export
IMAP M&A Consultants AG

we treat every transactio..

84 Employees$16K - $41K$58K germany78%Export
Food Alert Ltd

smarter safety solutions ..

157 Employees$9K - $30K$90K united kingdom..30%Export

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Using CIVIC for finding leads

This comprehensive list of companies utilizing CIVIC technology offers significant value for sales teams. It acts as an invaluable resource for identifying potential leads in an efficient and timely manner.

CIVIC, a prominent provider of cookie control for user consent and usage, is a mainstay in many businesses web compliance strategies. The variety of businesses employing this technology signifies in-depth market penetration. Each name on this carefully curated list represents potential sales opportunities.

For sales teams specifically targeting companies that prioritize digital compliance, this list proves to be an asset. It provides a direct link between vendors offering complementary solutions and companies that are conscious of their data protection responsibilities, hence they might be interested in related services or products.

Identifying businesses that care about their online legal obligations suggests a sophisticated approach to online strategy – promising terrain for solutions dealing in data protection, web analytics, or user experience enhancements, to name a few.

More generally, all sales teams can save precious resources by having a ready-made list of businesses that are likely value-driven, compliance-focused, and technologically literate. This may speed up the lead prospecting process, as sales teams can tap into a pre-qualified audience instead of having to locate and identify them individually.

Moreover, recognizing trends in business types or industry sectors that commonly use CIVIC can help to craft personalized, effective sales pitches. It can also assist in predicting emerging markets, giving sales professionals an added edge in a competitive environment.

Delving further into the list, the usage of CIVIC technology can indicate a company’s budget for web technologies and compliance needs, enabling sales professionals to classify their leads effectively.

In sum, a list of companies using CIVIC can streamline lead prospecting, improve sales pitch personalization, and bolster industry trend analysis, acting as a major asset to sales teams.

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