Backdrop is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) that is designed to be easy to use and flexible. It is based on the Drupal CMS and was created as a simpler alternative for small to medium-sized websites. Backdrop is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database to store information.
It provides a user-friendly interface for managing content, creating custom layouts, and controlling access. Backdrop also includes a range of features such as customizable themes, responsive design, and built-in search engine optimization (SEO) tools.
One of the key benefits of using Backdrop is its modular architecture, which allows developers to easily extend its functionality by creating custom modules or integrating existing ones. Additionally, Backdrop's community is active and supportive, providing resources and documentation to help users get started and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.
Companies using Backdrop
https://backdropcms.org5,213 companies are currently using Backdrop
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Using Backdrop for finding leads
This listing of companies using Backdrop is an invaluable tool for sales teams venturing into the CMS market space. It is an excellent way for teams to target companies that already understand the value and capabilities of open-source CMS platforms like Backdrop.
The list provides relevant data on companies dedicated to employing Backdrop, which demonstrates a willingness to adopt forward-thinking, user-friendly content management systems. With this information, sales teams can focus their efforts on selling complementary solutions, plugins, relevant services, or even training programs related to Backdrop.
Further, the list can strategically guide sales teams to identify opportunities for upgrades or expansion. For instance, a company already using Backdrop may be interested in additional modules or extensions, or they might appreciate advice on how to optimize their site for better performance. In this context, the list facilitates an understanding of potential customer needs and solutions that would optimally serve them.
On a broader level, sales teams can analyse the list for trends and patterns, such as which industries are adopting Backdrop more rapidly, or which size of companies are more likely to choose this CMS. These insights can be harnessed to devise targeted sales strategies.
In sum, this list of companies using Backdrop is a potent tool, aiding sales teams to narrow down their prospects, understand market trends, and offer tailored solutions. It saves time on prospecting and increases the likelihood of landing sales, by directing teams to potential clients who already have an affinity for comparable technology.
Alternatives to Backdrop
Thera are a total of 327 alternatives available for Backdrop
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