Twenty Ten
Companies using Twenty Ten

Twenty Ten is the default WordPress theme that was released in 2010. It is a free, open-source and highly customizable theme that features a clean and elegant design. The theme includes multiple layout options, custom header and background, and supports featured images and post formats. It has a flexible width layout with one sidebar on the right side and a footer widget area at the bottom. The theme also comes with a drop-down menu and built-in support for threaded comments. Twenty Ten is a responsive theme that adapts to different screen sizes and devices, making it mobile-friendly. It is written in HTML5 and CSS3, which makes it compatible with modern web standards. Additionally, Twenty Ten is regularly updated by the WordPress community to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress and security patches. Overall, Twenty Ten is a reliable and versatile WordPress theme that offers a solid foundation for building a website or blog.

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6,487 companies are currently using Twenty Ten



the first ai-powered luxu..

95 Employees$48K - $49K$100K united states ..93%Export
B&W Tek

...a metrohm group compan..

65 Employees$30K - $29K$76K united states ..61%Export
UEC Advanced Electronics

a global leader of premie..

100 Employees$40K - $32K$95K united states ..46%Export
Geto & de Milly, Inc.

16 Employees$21K - $23K$52K united states ..88%Export

22 Employees$35K - $34K$66K united states ..38%Export
American Mechanical Servi..

163 Employees$11K - $46K$79K united states ..65%Export
Wise Society

people for a sustainable ..

12 Employees$7K - $23K$89K italy22%Export
pearpixels llc

pear pixels llc is softwa..

15 Employees$27K - $30K$70K united states ..91%Export
RailRunner N.A., Inc.

12 Employees$13K - $11K$91K united states ..21%Export
Caroline Lending LLC

5 Employees$26K - $35K$77K united states ..97%Export
Community Boards

mediation + facilitation ..

31 Employees$40K - $42K$71K united states ..31%Export
Atheln, Inc.

propelling life science i..

19 Employees$27K - $44K$59K united states ..8%Export
iLevel Brands

leading the way for high-..

55 Employees$50K - $5K$59K united states ..63%Export
Prim'Holstein France

l'avenir de votre troupea..

32 Employees$6K - $33K$77K france
EHS Excellence Consulting..

4 Employees$44K - $22K$62K united states ..57%Export

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Using Twenty Ten for finding leads

The list of companies utilizing the Twenty Ten theme provides immense value for sales teams on the lookout for potential leads. This concentrated marketplace allows for a more focused approach, enabling sales representatives to better understand the needs and preferences of the organizations on the list.

As these firms have chosen Twenty Ten, the default WordPress theme for 2010, they may be receptive to other WordPress-related technologies or services. This could include modern, advanced WordPress themes, plugins, security solutions, or consulting services. The list can also suggest the types of industries or businesses more inclined to use such a classic theme, affording beneficial insights into demographic and psychographic trends.

Additionally, sales teams can use this list for direct and tailored outreach. Being conversant with the company's choice of the Twenty Ten theme, the pitch can be personalized to address specific benefits and improvements tailored to these businesses. It can help indicate which companies might be ready for an upgrade or potentially in need of related services like website design or performance optimization tools.

Moreover, understanding these businesses' choice of a ten-year-old design could hint at a resistance to change or an attachment to an old technology, guiding the best approach for communication.

Overall, the list of companies using Twenty Ten can streamline prospecting for sales teams, offering a targeted market segment, significant customer insights, and a valuable chance to deliver personalized, effective sales pitches.

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